Knitting in Stockholm September 16th - 19th 2011

With it's charming architecture, green spaces, 14 islands and 57 bridges, the aptly named 'Venice of the North' is one of Europe's most beautiful cities. Combine this with a chance to enjoy a workshop in a cosy knitting cafe, plus view some exquisite mitten making, and you have have a fascinating long weekend for knitters of all persuasions.

Led by myself, this tour offers a superb mix of knitting and sightseeing. A visit to a friendly Rowan Wincent shop in the city's Vasasten district ensures a chance to discover some wonderful yarns and sample knitting Swedish Style. A journey out of the city and into the countryside will also give you a real flavour of Swedish Life and traditional knitting techniques.

I am really looking forward to this tour and can't wait to see what Stockholm has in store for us. I'm a real Steig Larrson fan too - so the prospect of bumping into the girl with the Dragon tattoo is adding extra excitement!

If you would like to come along and spend this weekend with me then why not take a look at the Arena Travel Web site.

Finishing Techniques For Handknitters

My first book - Finishing Techniques For Handknitters - was first published in 2003 and has been reprinted ever since, however this title is now out of print and according to the publishers there are no plans to republish it.

The book is currently for sale at ridiculously high prices (£248 being the highest price I have seen so far!), but you can still get used copies on line for relatively cheap prices if you are prepared to hunt around.

The book was first published in the US under the title 'All Stitched up' and there are new copies of this book available at the recommended retail price should you be prepared to hunt around for it - although the price appears to fluctuate quite alot - of course second hand copies are cheaper! The US version is EXACTLY the same as in the UK it simply has a different title!