We’re going through changes

It was with great excitement back in July that we took the plunge to formally register JANIE CROW as a limited company. This was a big step for us here in the Crowfoot household and involved quite a lot of sleepless nights, but we felt that it is the way forward for our business and of course - once all the formalities were over - it was really exciting to see the word ‘DIRECTOR’ next to our names!

The amazing response to The Crochet Club was the main reason for our need to register a company. The club has grown much larger than we had ever expected and with this growth comes the responsibility of making sure things are done properly and of course ‘by the book’. Being a limited company will mean that in due course we will be able to accept credit card payments and offer customers more choice when or applying for club membership and when using the web site.

Over the next few months you will see some changes to the web site as it is in need of a little over haul (know how it feels) and needs to be updated more frequently that we have been able to do it over the past year. We are always on the look out for new exciting products to put on there so if you know of anything that might interest us then please get in touch.