The Big Trip - Part Two - Seeing a bit of the 'real' India

We are now in Rajkot which is in the state of Gudjurat. This is not a tourist destination, but is a place where quite a few of the people in our group have family and heritage. Within the last few days we have also visited Ahmedabad in the same region. It is much dryer here, so the landscape has changed quite a lot and Rajkot in particular is much poorer and polluted. It is incredible to have been given the chance to visit places off the tourist trail, but it has also been hard to see the way people live - we take so much for granted at home.

While we were in Ahmedabad we visited Gandhi's Ashram. It is a very simple, but beautiful place and I felt very emotional walking around the small huts and gardens and seeing a place where Gandhi lived. He was a tiny amazing man and we should all be thankful for the huge amount of change he created in terms of race and class equality. I took a film of a lady spinning cotton in Gandhi's hut - hopefully it has uploaded below: